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Retirement Planning & Advice

Regardless of what you envision for your retirement, preparation is the key to success. There's no such thing as too early to start.

Everyone has a different picture of their ideal retirement. Maybe you see a future as a grey nomad, perhaps you have your eye on a coastal property and fishing boat, or maybe you imagine long brunches and golf trips with friends.

Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you’d like to be is the key to your retirement success.  This will look different for many different clients, depending on your financial situation when you start your plan, but no matter the situation we aim to ensure you spend your well-earned retirement years doing what you love!

  • If you have significant assets or investments and need advice on structuring them for retirement, downsizing or setting up estate planning, our wealth advisors specialise in holistic strategies centred on growth and protection.
  • If you are not sure if your retirement savings will be sufficient or need to set goals for your retirement, our retirement advisors help you structure your finances now to reach your future lifestyle goals.

Start Planning Your Retirement

Maybe you’re already retired, ready to make the transition, or just starting to plan ahead for life after work. Whatever your stage of life, our retirement financial advisors can implement strategies for your superannuationinvestmentstax & accountingpersonal insurance and budgeting and cash flow.

Our customised Retirement Plan Involves

  • Establishing an accurate picture of where you are now
  • Identifying where you want to be and setting clear goals
  • Researching and finding the right strategies and tools for your situation
  • Implementing your strategies, tool and investments to meet your goals

The Benefits of a Retirement Plan

A Retirement Plan can be integral in a well-developed retirement plan. Our investment strategy factors in your level of risk sensitivity and your timeline to create a personalised plan that is integrated with your holistic retirement roadmap. Our investing for retirement strategy means you achieve:

  • Diversity in your portfolio
  • Protection against risk
  • Maximised returns
  • Your retirement goals

Each retirement plan will look different based on life stage, individual needs, preferences and lifestyle – we take the time to ensure these factors are carefully considered and incorporated.

Our retirement financial advisors and planners will work with you to clarify your goals, and then develop an action plan that clearly sets out the steps you need to take to achieve these goals.

Start Planning Your Retirement

The Foundations of Your Retirement Plan

Retirement planning starts with the core building blocks such as superannuation, investing, budgeting and cash flow. Read on for more information on how these foundational elements factor into your holistic financial roadmap to retirement. Of course, many people will require additional strategies depending on their retirement stage, financial and wealth situation, family plans and existing investments. As our retirement planning is tailored to be a perfect fit for each client, we are able to ensure each element is considered and taken care of in your plan.

  • Superannuation

There are several strategies your financial advisor might call on to maximise your super for retirement. Some of these might include:

  • Finding the optimum amount or frequency with which you contribute to your superannuation fund both pre-and post-tax to create as much benefit as possible by growing your super while reducing your tax
  • Expertise in salary sacrificing to save on your tax bill
  • Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of accessing your super in a lump sum
  • Sharing the benefits of contributing to your spouse’s superannuation fund
  • Merging numerous superannuation accounts into one fund 
  • Setting up an SMSF or advising on the investments, assets and administration of your SMSF
  • Budgeting & Cash flow

Budgeting and cash flow are crucial for your retirement plan, particularly in two key areas: 

  1. Preparing for retirement by having a clear understanding of how much cash you will need to sustain your lifestyle, and;
  2. Ensuring you achieve your retirement goals by establishing excellent budgeting and cash-flow systems now. 

When budgeting, you must include all of your sources of income as well as all of your outgoing expenses. It is critical that you are realistic, particularly when estimating your future monthly budget in retirement. A good budget will assist you in understanding where your expenses will be and determining exactly how much income you will need to draw from your superannuation or other sources to support your lifestyle. 

Our retirement planning advisors understand exactly how to use the right strategies and ‘rules’ for your situation to maximise your retirement finances and ensure your lifestyle will be funded for as long as you need. We save you the stress and complexity by calculating your future financial needs and lifestyle goals and then creating a strategy today that will ensure you meet those goals.

Ready to take the next step in your financial journey?

Retirement financial planning isn't just about money - it's about peace of mind

27+ years of experience

Strategic Wealth Planners have over 27 years of experience helping our clients plan their retirement and reach their investment goals. We'll help you reach yours, too.


When it comes to your retirement financial planning, we look at the bigger picture, and develop retirement planning strategies that include financial planning and tax advice to ensure you receive the most in your nest egg.


We help you plan for and reach your retirement goals by leveraging our trusted network of investment advisers, stockbrokers, and tax experts.


Retirement planning is a long-term strategy, so we work with you to make sure you completely understand your investment decisions, and make the right choices for a comfortable future.

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Retirement ebook

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